Board of Trustees Executive Committee:
Abdiel Ramirez, Senior Engineer, Comcast, Chair
Toni Hiley, CIA Museum Director Emeritus, Vice-Chair
Michael Rogholt, EVP / Regional President Southern New Mexico of Century Bank, Treasurer
Mark S. Benak, Chairman, Sandia Foundation, Secretary
Wayne Laslie, Past Chair
Board of Trustees:
Amanda Armenta, Principal Human Resources Business Partner, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM
Shander Bawden, Head Archivist for Georgia Tech Research Institute
Dennis Bence, Director of Nuclear Oversight, Palo Verde Generating Station
Dr. Sandra Biedron, Element Aero and the Center for Bright Beams
Dr. Robert Busch, Principal Lecturer Emeritus with the University of New Mexico
Aleli Colon, PhD Candidate and NBCT Educator with Albuquerque Public Schools
Jeffrey Conner, New Mexico Operations Director, Kansas City National Security Campus
Dayra Fallad-Mendoza, eLearnig Specialist at Los Alamos Laboratory
John Garrity, Director-Acquisition, Tracking & Pointing Systems with BlueHalo
Dr. Katrina Groth, Assistant Professor with the University of Maryland
Zabrina Johal, Senior Director of Strategic Development with General Atomics
Dr. Tim Koeth, Assistant Professor with University of Maryland
Dr. Chris Perfetti, Assistant Professor with the University of New Mexico
Andrew Schaaf, President, Mountain West Consulting
Robert Singer, Esq., Attorney with Keleher & Mcleod P.A.
Dr. John Stichman, Retired Executive Vice President & Deputy Laboratory Director of Sandia National Laboratories
Amanda Wyatt, CPA. Audit Manager, REDW LLC
Steve Young, Vice President for Nuclear and High Hazards Operations, Amentum
Hal Behl
James (Jim) Ferland
Dr. Gregg Franklin
Dr. Damon Giovanielli
Michael Hartshorne, MD
Judith Mead
Marcus Mims, CPA
Greg Morrison
John Shaw
Alison Schuler, Esq.
Pam Sullivan
Warner Talso
Director Emeritus:
Jim Walther
Honorary Trustees
Cynthia Kelly
Clay K. Perkins
Richard Rhodes
William Wabbersen
In Memoria
Jerry Adams
Pete Domenici
Dan Hardin
Charles Loeber
Doug Moody
Harry Mumma
Murray Gell-Mann